Showing posts with label covid-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label covid-19. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Read And Evaluate All Medical Information And Formulate Your Own Opinion

This blog post is to share information banned by social media sites like Facebook, but information for which there seems to be credible information most should be able to read and evaluate for themselves. Don't let sites like Facebook and Twitter tell you what you can read and what opinions you should have.

Ivermectin being used successfully to treat virus
Ivermectin, does it work for COVID-19?

I posted a link to an article (naïve of me I realize) about some people that were under the care of a medical doctor, then requested the doctor also treat them with Ivermectin. The doctor wrote them a prescription and they took Ivermectin under the care of a physician and took Ivermectin in prescription form designed for use in humans. The article pointed out that CNN, among others, had claimed these people were taking "horse wormer" medications and many had died. CNN has posted a retraction, but like most retractions few if anyone saw the retraction. The cases CNN inaccurately reported on all survived COVID and took Ivermectin under the care of a doctor. In that article doctors pointed out that Ivermectin does not interfere with the other treatment for a person being treated for COVID-19.

Now let's read this article about a densely populated area of India where they are using Ivermectin to treat COVID-positive people. Deaths have been 0-2 daily since this treatment initiated despite the high and crowded population areas. Officials in this area of India, the Uttar Pradesh region, claim to be near elimination of COVID as a health threat.

Now read about a patient's family that sued the hospital to get them to administer Ivermectin to a 68 year old family member hospitalized with COVID. The judge ruled in favor of the family and despite resistance by the hospital and refusal by doctors to administer Ivermectin, they found a doctor (a DO) that took over and treated the 68 year old woman that was now in a coma in intensive care. To make a longer story short, the lady survived and recovered.

I post this at my own blog to give everyone a chance to read and evaluate this information for themselves and decide if any of this is valid. Hope this helps. Thanks!
Art Nesmith