Monday, May 15, 2006

Why Does Motor Oil Deteriorate?

Motor Oil Degradation - Why does it happen?
Motoroil chemistry is more complex than you think.

It is common knowledge that, at some point, engine oil must be changed. It's something that is preached relentlessly to vehicle owners by vehicle manufacturers, quick lubes and oil companies. But consumers are widely unaware of what exactly makes oil changes necessary.

Many factors contribute to a motor oil's demise, but it is essentially the accumulation of contaminants in the oil and chemical changes in the oil itself that make the oil and chemical changes in the oil itself that make a motor oil unfit for further service. With time, it is inevitable that the oil will be contaminated by dirt or sludge, or succumb to the extreme pressures or temperatures found inside an engine. AMSOIL Motor Oils are formulated with the industry's most advanced synthetic base stocks and additive packages to combat the forces that deteriorate conventional oils.

Read the entire article and see how well the different brands of motor oils faired in the NOACK Volatility Test:

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